About Jordan Gruber
Jordan Gruber, J.D., M.A., Renaissance Wordsmith—writer, collaborative writer, ghost writer, editor, and coach—has created and sculpted authoritative volumes in forensic law, financial services, psychology, and health and wellness. A graduate of Binghamton University and the University of Virginia School of Law, he founded the Enlightenment.Com website. He has recently co-authored Your Symphony of Selves (on healthy multiplicity) with James Fadiman, as well as The Bounce (on rebound exercise) with Joy Daniels. He lives in Menlo Park, California, with his wife and family.

About Jordan Gruber
Jordan Gruber, J.D., M.A., Renaissance Wordsmith—writer, collaborative writer, ghost writer, editor, and coach—has created and sculpted authoritative volumes in forensic law, financial services, psychology, and health and wellness. A graduate of Binghamton University and the University of Virginia School of Law, he founded the Enlightenment.Com website. He has recently co-authored Your Symphony of Selves (on healthy multiplicity) with James Fadiman, as well as The Bounce (on rebound exercise) with Joy Daniels. He lives in Menlo Park, California, with his wife and family.

Early Life
I grew up in a single-family home with my parents, brother, sister, and grandmother in Laurelton, Queens, a shetetl-like suburb of New York City not far from Kennedy airport. From my sixth grade elementary school classroom, I could see the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center being completed. Nearly every day of every summer of my youth was spent at Capri Beach Club, about 25 minutes away, where I played endlessly in the ocean, pools, and pinball arcade. I had my Bar Mitzvah at the Laurelton Jewish Center, where my parents centered their extraordinarily active social life.
I attended the State University of New York at Binghamton (now Binghamton University), where in 1981 I received a B.A. in Philosophy with Honors, and graduated Phi Beta Kappa. In 1984 I received an M.A.P.P.A.A. (Masters in Public Policy Analysis and Administration) from the same institution. I then attended the University of Virginia School of Law in Charlottesville, Virginia. I had always been a fan of Thomas Jefferson, who founded and designed the University, and Charlottesville is a very beautiful small city.
Career Path
Notwithstanding a couple of brief stints working as an attorney (for Cooley Godward and for N.A.S.A.), my entire career has been spent as a writer or editor. In between graduate school and law school I worked in Manhattan as a grant writer for Federation Employment and Guidance Service, a large non-profit social services agency. After law school and my time at Cooley Godward, I became the managing editor of GNOSIS Magazine, a highly regarded journal of the Western inner traditions. I then turned to writing several book length treatises on electronic evidence for a large legal publisher. Along the way I started writing magazine articles for WIRED and other magazines, and began consulting on a variety of projects including one for AOL that took me into the heart of Hollywood.
After spending some time working for the Office of Chief Counsel at NASA’s Ames Research Center, I turned to ghostwriting. For many years I specialized mainly in books, articles, columns, and training manuals for the financial services industry, now my overall focus has turned substantially to psychology and spirituality, that is, to personal development, health, and wellness.

Avocations and Interests
I have long been interested in the entire range of psycho-spiritual tools, techniques, teachings, and teachers, which has led me to form unique friendships, like that with Jim Fadiman, resulting in Your Symphony of Selves, as well as that with Joy Daniels, leading to The Bounce.
While my long-term project, Enlightenment.Com (which I founded in 1995 and which brought the world the first-ever interview with Ken Wilber), is currently in abeyance, I keep to a vigorous set of physical and metaphysical practices on a daily basis, from bouncing 45 minutes daily to Wim Hof breathing to walking-cats-on-a-leash to working with mantra, music, and power napping. I collect ancient coins and meteorites (very small ones), regularly enjoy singing with myself and others, and am a big fan of felines and science fiction.

Interested in working together?
I’m always happy to provide a free initial consultation. We can look at your overall situation and assess whether it might make sense to work together.